St. Anne's Convent School, Baripada
Fear of god is the beginning of wisdom
Prafulla Nagar
Baripada, Odisha
Academics- To Parents


The success of a school depends to a large extent upon the fullest co-operation between the teachers and parents.

Parents or guardians are requested to read through the prospectus carefully and to co-operate with the school in the observance of all the regulations appearing in the booklet and any announced by the faculty from time to time.

Parent's co-operation being indispensable for the proper education of children; they are invited to keep in touch with the Principal regarding the progress, attendance   and conduct of their children.

Pupils are expected to behave well in the school and elsewhere. If the behaviour of a student is found unsatisfactory he/ she may be dismissed after giving necessary warning to the student and-the parents. In order for the school to attain   the high standard which it in-tends for all the children the co- operation of the parents of guardians is imperative. Parents are requested to see that their children - devote at least two hours in the evening and one hour in the morning for reading and writing. Progress reports are issued after each examination on the child's performance for the perusal of the parents.

They are requested to check the said reports carefully, sign and send them back to the school within two days. This card will be an indication of the probable final result.

            Please note that regular studies throughout the year are good and all performance are of equally-important as that of terminal examination and final examination.

     Parents/guardians are requested to call on the respective class teachers after   the terminal examination to inform themselves of the progress made by their children.

The students who remain absent on the re-opening day will be fined Rs.25/-

If a pupil remains absent continuously for 15 days without the permission of the Principal, his/her name will, be removed from the roll. Parents are not encouraged to take long leave for their children during the working days.

The students who do not have 80% attendance are not eligible for promotion to the next higher class. Parents I guardian are requested not to enter class room or veranda during class hours. They are not allowed to take the children home during class hours without the permission of the Principal. Any type of office work will be done during school hours only.

Entry of private vehicles, cars, jeeps, motorbikes, scooters, and cycle etc. into the school campus is prohibited.

Y our co-operation and support in the running of the school are earnestly solicited.
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